The GW Training Center located in the GW MFA Department of Emergency Medicine is the premiere training center for all EMS & critical care specialties in the DC Metro Area. We teach over 500 classes per year for over 5,000 students including doctors, nurses of all levels, physician assistants, pre-hospital care personnel, all allied health personnel, and non-healthcare providers. The GW Training Center teaches courses from the following educational bodies:
The GW Training Center is the only educational organization in Washington, DC that is certified to teach SCCM’s Fundamentals of Critical Care Support and STN’s Advanced Trauma Care for Nursing. And we are adding new curriculums every year!
Our educational programs are taught by experienced critical care clinicians and include cutting edge research and practice implementation. Advanced patient simulation equipment and veteran instructors make our training center stand out!
Customized training can be done on-site at your location, domestically or internationally! Training initiatives are customized for clients, and may include basic CPR provision and AED use, first aid applications, pre-hospital education, American Heart Association courses, advanced physician-level instruction, nursing courses, and continuing medical education (CME). We have taught classes for a wide variety of clients including various Emergency Departments and other critical care specialties in the DC Metro Area, US governmental institutions and military bodies, private healthcare practices, non-healthcare related private businesses, large and small non-profits, and various international governmental bodies and military offices.
In addition to medical training and education, we also offer the GW Lifesavers Program! GW Lifesavers is a community based initiative which aims to place more Automated External Defibrillators (AED) in the community and other publicly accessible areas. We provide various models of AED, skilled medical direction for owners of the AED, and assistance and oversight for the AED’s, as well as the requisite equipment.
We also work in conjunction with GW MFA’s Worldwide Communications Center, Maritime Medical Access Program, and the Innovative Practice Department providing medical education and training!
Meet Our Team!
GW Training Center

Dr. Kat Ogle
Medical Director
GW Training Center

Gretchen Wills
Training Center Instructor
GW Training Center
The GW Department of Emergency Medicine Training Center is part of The George Washington University Medical Faculty Associates (GW MFA). The GW MFA is the largest multi-specialty physician practice in Washington, DC. The GW MFA is home to over 950 clinicians who treat an average of 4,600 patients per day through 51 medical specialties.
The Department of Emergency Medicine at the GW Medical Faculty Associates was the seventh academic Emergency Medicine Department in the country. Since its inception, the Department of Emergency Medicine has been committed to service excellence in patient care and education, expansion of Emergency Medicine's boundaries through the development of new programs and configurations, and the creation of new knowledge in this field. As part of this mission, the department established the Emergency Medicine Training Center to reduce death and disability from cardiac disease through the delivery of the highest quality training courses. These courses are offered to the public, school communities, business and government agencies as well as to the healthcare community both domestically and internationally.
The medical training is only one of the services that the GW Medical Faculty Associates can provide. Please visit the Department of Emergency Medicine for more information regarding emergency medicine clinical services or Innovative Practices. For information regarding clinical services, please visit the GW MFA.
GW Lifesavers Program

Dr. Neal Sikka
Medical Director
GW Lifesavers Program

George Hunkele
Innovative Practice Financial Manager
GW Lifesavers Program